Cadet I/Abbreviations

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Allegiance is a very complex game with a huge amount of material. As a result, the jargon is highly specialized and varied. Abbreviated words and phrases have resulted from the need to be able to quickly communicate in game.

Abbreviations have been put in alphabetical order for quick reference. New abbreviations will obviously arise as new equipment, ships and factions are created. However, even if they are not posted here (which is unlikely), you should be able to figure them out because they are usually logical, such as using the first letters of each word or using those letters which are most relevant and unique to the word.

Common abbreviations and terms
Abbreviation Meaning Category
AA [is on/off] Auto Accept - Player acceptance Game setting
AA Ask again Repeat previous request
AB Anti-Base Weapon attribute
AC PW Auto Cannon Weapon
ACE WildCards Squad
ACS Allegiance Command School Advance training program
AFS Allegiance Flight School Training program
Adv Advanced Attribute
Alleg In game Allegiance Staff
ASL Assistant Squad Leader ^ token
ASS Assault Ship Capital ship
BBR Bomber Ship
BC Battlecruiser Capital ship
Belts Belters Faction
Boost Booster Part
BS Battleship Capital ship
BS Black Shadow Squad
BSG Battlestar Galactica Core Core
C [rock/mine] Carbonaceous Asteroid/Special refinery
to cap to capture a station Tactic
Cap Capital Ship Ships bought in shipyard & carriers
Carr Carrier Capital ship
CC Community Core Core
CDT Cadet I
CDT-A Cadet II
Chaff/CM Countermeasures Part
Cloak Cloaking device Part
to cloak Activate cloaking device
Con Constructor AI ship
Corv Corvette Capital ship
Dest Destroyer Capital ship
Dev Devastator Capital ship
Dev Developer / Programmer Title
DF/Dumbs Dumbfire Missile
Dis Disrupter Cannon Weapon
DN Dark Nebulae Core
Dreg Dreghklar Empire Faction
EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse Anti-shield weapon
Enh Enhanced Attribute
EoR Edge of Reality Core
EW Energy Weapon Attribute
EWS Early Warning System (Probe)
EXP Expansion Complex (tech station)
Expansion (tech path)
Built on U rocks
Allows interceptors + troop transports
FAZ [R1/R2/R3/R4/...] Free Allegiance Zone Community-edited-Allegiance [Release number]
FAO Free Allegiance Organization
FB/FigB/figbee Fighter bomber Ship
Fignan Belter fighter equipped with a nan Ship / Tactic
Frig Frigate Capital ship
GA Global Attribute Technology advancement
Galv EW Galvonic Weapon Anti-Station weapon
to Galv Use galv against a minor station Tactic
Garr/Gar Garrison Station
Gatt/Gat Gattling Gun Weapon
GB German Borg Squad
Giga Giga Corporation Faction
GoD Good Old Days Core Core
GS Gunship Ship
GT Ga'Taraan Federation Faction
HB Heavy bomber Ship
HC Heavy Signature Cloak Part
HE/He3 Helium3 Asteroid/resource
HK Hunter Killer Missile
HTT Heavy troop transport Ship
HVY Heavy Attribute
IC Iron Coalition Faction
Int Interceptor Ship
LB Light Booster Part
LC Light cruiser Capital ship
LRM Long Range Missile Missile attribute
Lt Light Attribute
Lux Luxury Attribute
MF Missile frigate Capital ship
MG/Mini PW Mini Gun Weapon
Mk[1/2/3] Mark I, II, III Level of tech
MP Mine Pack Part
MRM Medium Range Missile Missile atribute
MS Medium Shield Part
MS Microsoft Corporation
MSR Microsoft Research Corporation
Nan Nanite repair weapon
Ship carrying a nan
Used to repair friendlies
to Nan Carry a nan, escort and repair friendlies Tactic
Newb Newbie - a brand new player You :-}
Noob An annoying beginner Hopefully not you
NG Nerve Gas Missile Missile for capturing
Nick Nickname/Callsign
Nix Phoenix Faction
NOAT Not On A Team
Nuke Tactical Nuclear Missile Missile
OP Outpost Station
Pali Palisade GT techbase
Pattie Patroller Giga ship
PCII Pook Core II Core
PK Palidor's Knights Squad
PK Pod kill Tactic/newb mistake
PL / Pew Pew EW Pulse Laser Weapon
Pod Eject pod Ship, you eject into this when your ship is destroyed
to pod to force a player into an eject pod
PP Pulse Probes Part
to Probe to deploy probes Tactic
Prox Proximity mine Part
to PU to Pick Up Eject pods/floating tech/cash/powerups
PW Particle Weapon Weapon attribute
RD Rescue drone AI ship
Ref Refinery Station miners dock at to offload He3
Res Aleph Resonator Missile, destabilizes alephs
to res Fire a res at an aleph Tactic
Rix Rixian Unity Faction
RP Rescue Probe Part, rescues friendly pods
RPS Rock, Paper, Scissors Core Core
RS Research station GT Station
RT Rolling Thunder Squad
Sanc Sanctuary Probe Part, rescues all pods
SC Skycap Weapon
SB Stealth bomber Ship
SF Stealth fighter Ship
SF Steel Fury Squad
SG Squad Game Game for members of the partaking squads only
Si (Rock/Mine) Silicon Asteroid/Special refinery
Sig Signature Game mechanic
SL Squad Leader * token
Snip EW Sniper Weapon
Spec Mine Special refinery Builds on He3/C/Si/U rocks
SPQR Roman Legion Squad
SR Small Rip Ship attribute - ships can rip to you
SRM Short Range Missile Missile attribute
SRM Slipshod Research & Mining Squad
SS Small Shield Part
STFN Shoot The #$%^ING Nans! Tactic
Sup Supremacy Center (techbase)
Supremacy (tech path)
Built on C rocks
Allows Fighters + bombers
SW Star Wars Core Core
SY Shipyard Tech Station
SysX System X Squad
TAC Tactical Laboratory (tech Station)
Tactical(tech path)
Built on Si rocks
Allows Stealth figs + stealth bbrs
Tele Teleport receiver Station
TF Technoflux Faction
TP Teleport receiver Station
TP1/TP2 Teleport Probe Part, the number is the tech level
to TP1/TP2 to drop a Teleport Probe Tactic
TT Troop transport Ship
U (rock/mine) Uranium Asteroid/Special refinery
Util EW Utility Weapon
Vet Veteran Player
Vette Corvette Capital ship
Voob Veteran Noob Mildly offensive term
XRM Extremely Long Range Missile Missile attribute
XT XenoTech Squad
ZG Zone Games Community event
ZL Zone Leaders + token

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