Zone Game 5

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Zone Games

The fifth Zone Game too place on 17th November 2007

Factions: Ga'Taraan Federation vs Iron Coalition

This Zone Game was used to introduce the Ga'Taraan Federation (another player made faction) into the Zone Game storyline to allow for even more faction variety in future games. After a hard battle the Coalition was once again defeated by the newcomers.

Date: 14NOV2157/File: 00207- Relay Stations Out, Something on the Way

Report filed by: "Data_Dan"

Good evening spacers, do I have a scoop for you.

Its no secret that the IC wishes to hit both the Rixians and the Bios back in retaliation for defeats earlier this year. However, with the recent Dreg victory, perhaps the IC is preparing to face the Dreg and claim the He3 rich sector that the Lizards so recently acquired. In an effort to figure out who the IC was planning to hit next, I treated a friend of mine from the IC logistics corp to dinner. His answer: None of the above. You will find a brief transcript of our conversation below. ---

"Look Dan, I know that IC propaganda is making noises about pushing back the alien incursions into Human Space, but I haven't been routing ships to either front. Instead I've been sending men and supplies towards Aleph Chain 8."

"Chain 8? Refresh my memory on that one."

"Chain 8 is the series of sectors connected to the 8th Aleph Humanity discovered way way back before the fighting. Remember the old outbound science and exploration project? It went down Chain 8 ages ago."

"Whatever happened to the outbound project?"

"Beats me. Contact was lost with them when I was still in diapers. We have a series of remote relays placed partway down the chain and along several of its branches in the hopes of finding them again. Or I should say we did. Something's been knocking those relays out and none of our remote scouts are reporting back. IC command is worried that the Rix or the Dreg have found a back door into Human Space along Chain 8, but for all we know it could be yet another set of hostile aliens. More hostile aliens... what a year huh? Either way the IC is fortifying a point along the way and waiting for the shoe to drop."


So there you have it folks. The IC is preparing to meet something coming down Chain 8 in the near future. Exactly what that something is, noone knows but I know where I have a ticket booked to.

---end report---

>>HalfP1nt: 54747:23424:59: I bet its the Dreg. No telling how big a sphere of influence they have.

>>.outpost534: 22:18:47: Nonsense. Its gotta be the Rix.

>>Achilles: 22892:49381: I bet its somebody new. They destroyed the outbound science project and now are coming to destroy us too.

>>Astropoo: 47423:382: I bet it is the outbound project.

>>Ceres_Alpha: 4326:2435: How could it be the outbound project? They were a bunch of scientists! It's not like they'd just get some guns and start shooting things. And it's been ages since we last saw them! I'm with Achilles (How's the ankle, by the way?) - It's something new. I'd bet on it.

>>astrod0m: 842:96:*8653: You all KNOW it's the Bios. Guys got beat by lizards and are coming back for some sweet revenge after killing a bunch of scientists. Hell, I bet that outbound project got taken over by the Bios as soon as they hit Gen:4 or something.

>>Blood_and_Iron: 521:20002: Well whoever it is, bring it on!