Current events

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For the latest information on current events visit the Free Allegiance Organisation's Main page or go straight to the source of the News posts, the News forum.

Events are organised by the Events Zone with an Event Coordinator leading on each individual event.

You may also find the Event Calendar helpful.

Event Coordinators

Event Coordinators are members of the Event team that personally oversee or assist in community run events, such as Zone Games. They are given the @Event tag.

@Event Team Members
*Raveen@Event *Raveen@RT
Basher_@Event +Adam4@PK
bp_@Event ^badp@SF
Dorj@Event ^Dorjan@SF
Solaria@Event Andon@RT
Wurflet@Event Cadillac@RT

Weekly Events

Beta Testing

Regular Beta Testing of FAZ R5 is held on Wednesday evenings, (EST). You will need to have the latest version of the Beta client which you can find in the FAZ Development forum.

Squad games

Squad Games are organised entirely by the Squad Leaders & Assistant Leaders and hence are variable, but they generally occur once a week on Sunday afternoons, (EST).

Monthly Events

Zone Games

Zone Games are held once every month, organised by Dorjan under the Event Zone Leader's guide.

Annual Events

Squadron Doubles Tournament

The next edition of the Squad Doubles Tournament is planned for mid 2009.

Squadron Tournaments

The main Squadron Tournament will be played in September 2009.

Squad League

A round robin league will also take place in Jan-Nov 2009, with games spread throughout this time.

Irregular Events

AllegCon Germany

AllegCon Germany

Allegiance Wars

Allegiance Wars are a campaign-style tournament played on a peristant map.