Juckto/IGH/Index L-P

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LB - Light booster. See booster.

LC - Light Cruiser. See cruiser.

Life Pod - See Pod.

LRM - Long Range Missile.

Lt - Light. For instance, Light interceptor.

Lux - Luxury. For instance, Luxury scout. Luxury ships are available to Gigacorp only, cost more money to purchase, and have better equipment and/or abilities than their non-lux versions.


MF - See Missile Frigate.

Mine Pack - Dispenser item available to fighters and scouts. Deploys a small, short-lived mine field behind the ship.

Miner - AI drone ship. Collects He3 from helium asteroids, then docks at friendly bases to unload. Once unloaded, helium is converted into credits and given to the team commmander. Attacking and defending miners is a major part of the game.

Missile Frigate - A capital class ship. Anti-base and anti-ship capability, but not very powerful (for a cap ship).

Mini - See Minigun.

Minigun - Short range weapon available to interceptors.

MP - See Mine Pack.

MRM - Medium range missile.


Nan - See Nanite Repair System.

NG - See Nerve Gas.

Nanite Repair System - Weapon available to scouts that will heal ships when fired at them. Using Nanites are further covered in the "Defending" sections.

Nerve Gas - A type of missile that will capture enemy bases (if their shields are down). Available to stealth bombers and certain capital-class ships only.

Nick - See Callsign.

NOAT - Not On A Team. The name of the "team" of players who are connected to a game lobby, but not playing on a team.

Nuke - Tactical Nuclear Missile. An anti-base missile mountable by most capital-class ships.


OP - See Outpost.

Outpost - A small, cheap station that teams build to secure space or launch attacks/defence from.


Pali - See Palisade.

Palidor's Knights - A squad of players.

Palisade - A major station available to Ga'Taraan Federation only. It must be built for them to research advanced technology.

Particle Weapon - A type of weapon that uses ammunition to fire.

Patroller - A small-class ship available to Gigacorp only. A cross between a scout and a fighter.

Pattie - See Patroller.

PK - See Pod Kill and/or Palidor's Knights.

Pod - What you are placed in if your ship is destroyed. To respawn, you must be rescued, die, or fly all the way back to a friendly base.

Pod Kill - To kill an enemy lifepod, thus sending them straight back to base.

Probe - Early Warning System Probe. Teams deploy probes in empty space to detect enemy movements. Probes have a short scan range of 500m, but a long lifespan. Also see probing, below.

Probing - Deploying more probes (see above) in useful areas.

Prox - See Proximity mines.

Proximity mines - Dispenser item available to certain ships. Deploys a small, short-lived mine field behind the ship.

PU - Pick Up.

PW - See Particle Weapon.