AllegSkill FAQ

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This article is meant as a general purpose FAQ, that any new player would have. For questions that current users have there is the AllegSkill interim page.


Q. How does AllegSkill work?
A. If you win a game you gain rating points, and vice versa for the losing team. The amount of points you gain/lose depends on how stacked the game was, and how long you've been playing - for players that have played a lot of games, each successive game has less effect on your rank.

Check the AllegSkill page for a full explanation.

Stacked games

Q. Do I lose points if I win a horribly stacked game and I was on the stacked team?
A. No. The higher the imbalance, the less surprising the game outcome is in this case, and thus the less Mu and Sigma change. For very stacked games the changes in ratings, for both winners and losers in this scenario, are negligible compared with those resulting from well-balanced game. Your stack rating will be affected, though.

Q. Do I lose points if I lose a horribly stacked game whilst I was on the stacked team then?
A. Yes, lots. Since this outcome is considered highly surprising by AllegSkill, the losing (stacked) team is assessed as being much less skilled than had been initially assumed. The opposite is true of the anti-stacked team. In this case, the winners would receive a large increase to their skill rating, and the losers a large decrease.

Game counts?

Q. It says "Win not counted". Why didn't it count? Which games do count?
A. Ignore that message, it's just a holdover from when Microsoft ran Allegiance.
For full info on which games do count consult the Why don't stats count? page.

Q. Does AllegSkill support multi-teamers?
A. Currently, no. The mathematics behind TrueSkill and AllegSkill are rather complicated and require solving even more complicated problems to extend AllegSkill to handle an arbitrary number of teams. Team alliances (coming in FAZ R5) are bound to only make matters worse.

Multi-teamers will, however, be supported in AllegSkill 2.0, ready in Two Weeks!™

Q. Does AllegSkill work for death matches?
A. Yes.

Q. Which games have been recorded?
A. The first game posted on September 22nd, 2005 at 9:00pm EST. Since then, almost 78,000+ games have been posted as of the end of 2008. Of these, only about 28,100 games have counted. Due to the evolution of statistics collection, kill counts, base kills and other ingame event information does not exist before December 17th, 2006; only player participation and game time information was collected. This amounted to 9468 games played where no kills were recorded. Since then, detailed whore stats have been collected and are used to produce the kill counts you see listed in the leaderboard.

Defections and boots

Q. What happens when I get booted?
A. Hopefully you come back with a sly grin on your face and think nothing more of it. Nothing unusual happens to your ranking, and there is no penalty for being booted.

Q. What happens when I get booted and rejoin my old team under a new callsign?
A. At the end of the game the two sessions played will be merged into one seamless session. If you played for 5 minutes under 'CallsignOne' and 15 minutes under 'CallsignTwo', the post-game calculation will update your account as if you'd played one 20 minute game.

Q. What happens when I get booted and rejoin (or choose to defect to) the other team?
A. In this instance your account will receive an update proportional to the amount of time played for each team. If you played 90% of the game for the losing team and 10% for the winner, you will still receive 90% of the rating reduction associated with that loss. AllegSkill does keep a record of the number of times you've defected, and this value is displayed on the leader board.

Q. Does the above apply if I just quit/if I drop instead of getting booted?
A. Yes. Server-side there is no way to tell why you left the game, so whatever the reason the same rules will apply. You rejoin your old team, both stints count. You defect to the other team, you are scored appropriately.


Q. Is there any interactive demo of the AllegSkill system to toy with?
A. No, but you can find an interactive applet of the TrueSkill system (which AllegSkill is based on) here and here. The only major difference between AllegSkill and the TrueSkill applets is that the TrueSkill applets assume all players to have played the whole game.

Q. Do I get a skill rating for each of my callsigns?
A. No. Only one player rating, commander rating and whore rating is maintained per account.

Q. Is the in-game points system used in the AllegSkill equation?
A. No and yes. Your player and commander ratings are based purely on the game outcome, and the skill difference between the two teams.

However, AllegSkill does maintain a whore rating for each player, which records some of the post-game statistics. As development schedules permit, the whore rating will be expanded to include additional stats.

About: AllegSkill · FAQ · Interim FAQ · Gaining ranks · Whore rating · more...
Technical Details: Commander's ranking · Player's ranking · Stack rating · AllegBalance