Rixian's storyline

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The Rixians were the 5th faction, released by Microsoft in June 2000

First contact with life outside the solar system - with the Rixian Unity. So far, the Rixian have proven themselves superior scientists, explorers, and, as has now been made clear to mankind, crusaders. Led by Issa Rix, a being so revered among his people that his very name stands for all Rixians, little is truly known about this species. Certainly not their true goals or intentions.


To convert alien cultures to the Rixian religion and cleanse the galaxy of those who would oppose Rixian plans to “enlighten” heathen races.


From the planet Lapi (literally “Jewel of the Heavens” in the Rixian tongue), the Rixians - bipedal, hairless, grey-skinned, and slender - are highly proficient scientists and engineers. They are diminutive when compared to humans, standing roughly three feet tall. They have four long, thin fingers on each hand, offset with opposable thumbs; each finger has five to eight joints, and in fact, each finger is also mutually opposable. As such, Rixians have incredible fine motor skills, which makes for excellent pilots. Beings without gender, the Rixians reproduce asexually. The Rixian race is considerably older than humanity; their written history implies that the race is roughly 50,000 Earth years old. It is possible that it could be even older.

Rixian science allowed them to achieve incredible feats of technological and scientific virtuosity. Roughly 40,000 years ago, the Rixians left their homeworld and explored their home solar system, colonizing several worlds and moons and even established permanent settlements in orbit. From there, the Rixians perfected “planetary engineering” technology, converting inhospitable planets into fertile, pleasant worlds. There seemed to be no limit to what the Rixians' scientific abilities would enable them to achieve.

Because of their general prosperity, the Rixian population steadily grew; chronic overcrowding and limited resources began to take their toll. Rixian science slowly shifted towards methods of food production, anti-pollution measures, and the generation of synthetic replacements for depleted natural resources. Despite the Rixian colonization efforts, resources steadily grew scarce. Then, roughly 10,000 years ago, the Rixians discovered an Aleph in their star system.

The first Rixian vessel to pass through the Aleph arrived in a system with a planet habitable to the aliens. When word reached Lapi of the discovery, the Rixians again turned their considerable intelligence to the prospect of colonizing another star system far from their home.

While those plans were under way, something incredible occurred. The Rixian explorers who had passed through the Aleph began to change. Their genetic structure - already nearly perfect - showed signs of further improvement, far beyond the improvements wrought by Rixian science. Their cells could regenerate; they no longer required food or air. In addition, their brains developed further, manifesting telepathic and empathic abilities. Over the course of only a few days, these Rixian explorers began to evolve beyond what even their race's best scientists had thought possible.

More importantly, these same scientists all came to the same conclusion: it was the passage through the Aleph that had somehow initiated these changes within the explorers. Further examination revealed that the Aleph did indeed radiate an unusual form of radiation. Whether this radiation was the cause of the rapid evolution of the explorers could not be determined with certainty. Whatever the direct cause, there could be no question that passage through the Aleph had served as the trigger for the Rixian astronauts' metamorphosis.

Several more Rixians volunteered to repeat the passage through the Aleph. They did so and almost all of them exhibited the same effects. A few did not, however. For these explorers, the passage had no effect at all. The initial research failed to determine why the Aleph affected some of the Rixians and not others. In time, the scientists determined that, despite centuries of improvement, not all Rixians were as highly evolved as their fellows. That is, some Rixians demonstrated longer lifespans and greater intelligence, among other things. These Rixians were thus the most strongly affected by the Aleph's energy signature.

The rapidly evolving Rixians turned their increased intelligence to the matter and sought to find a way to reproduce the Aleph's effects technologically. Over the course of a few years, more and more Rixians passed through the Aleph and were affected by it. These, in turn, discovered additional Alephs and had journeyed further out into the galaxy. The Rixians suspected (wrongly) that - because each Aleph leads to a different solar system - different Alephs would have different effects on individual Rixians. Finding a way to jumpstart the evolution of every member of their species was simply a matter of finding the appropriate Aleph through which to pass. In the course of doing so, the Rixians developed even more impressive technologies and explored much of the galaxy; this period became known as the Age of Advancement.

As more and more of the Rixians evolved (or “ascended,” as it became known), a schism developed in their society between those who were on their way toward a wholly non-corporeal existence and those who were not. The non-evolved Rixians (who were still impressive - if corporeal - beings) could not even use, let alone understand, many of the amazing artifacts created by their evolved brethren. Some, in fact, began to revere the ascended Rixians as divine beings.

This latter tendency only became worse as the evolved Rixians slowly removed themselves completely from the affairs of the material world. As they did so, the Rixians left behind found themselves increasingly unable to cope with the technological civilization they had inherited. Thus was born the Code, an effort by the remaining Rixians to record how to order their lives and society so as to maintain what the advanced aliens had left behind.

Over time, the Code grew beyond a mere technological manual and became a religious text. The Rixians came to see the Code as a blueprint for their conduct so that they might one day ascend like the other members of their race. This religion became known simply as “Unity,” and priest-explorers of the Rixian Unity have risen to the highest levels of Rixian society.

The remaining Rixians continue to travel throughout the galaxy in an effort to convert other races to the teachings of the Code. (The Code states that knowledge - and belief - must be taught to have value. Unity Priests have taken this statement to mean that the path to Ascension is to instruct “lesser” or “unblessed” species . . . against their will if necessary.) By doing this, they hope not only assist the other species of the galaxy, but also to help themselves. They believe that their actions might one day enable them to achieve what has thus far been denied them.

Unity priests - eager to atone for their past failures to convert the other species to the Code - have begun examining plans to convert humanity.


In general, the Rixians have nothing but contempt for humans and their various factions. In their eyes, all of them are patently inferior and in need of their “benevolent guidance.”

While the Rixians consider the Belters unworthy of the effort to convert, they still consider them a threat; The Iron Coalition, however, presents a difficult challenge for the Rixians. On the one hand, the Coalition is disciplined and well-organized, with a clear chain of command and obvious goals. At the same time, the Coalition is warlike and inclined to resort to force to solve its problems, even when others solutions are available. Thus, the Coalition puzzles the Rixians, who have yet to decide how to deal with this faction.

GigaCorp likewise baffles the aliens. While GigaCorp clearly shows a talent for technological innovation and organization, its goals and objectives are mere material acquisition. This does not impress the Rixians. On the other hand, the Bios have succeeded in intriguing the Rixians. The Bios' attempts to achieve greater genetic adaptability through the application of technology are, although grossly misguided, similar to their alien tenets of Ascension. The Rixians hope the Bios will be among their first converts to the cause of Ascension. As such, the cleansing fleet is preparing to demonstrate to the Bios the error of their ways, in order to place them on the proper path.




Issa Rix was born approximately 3,000 years ago on the planet Lapi. Like many of his contemporaries, he marveled at the possibility of evolution the Alephs offered. When it was discovered that not all Rixians were capable of achieving this evolution through a simple Aleph passage, he placed his hope in the superior technology of his people. When even this did not work, he trusted that his highly evolved brothers and sisters would find a way to effect this change in all Rixians.

From the beginning, Rix was one of a small number of Rixians who viewed the more highly evolved members of his species (the “Ascended Ones”) as something greater than mere mortal Rixians like himself. That they denied this only strengthened his conviction. After all, would divine beings have any need of worship? Would they have any need to impress those so far beneath themselves? The fact that they remained to help the non-evolved Rixians was further “proof” of their divinity.

Some might call Rix the founder of the Rixian religion and in many ways that is true. Rix and a few others who shared his views on the Ascended Ones came to realize that they must act for the preservation of their race. Together, they created the Code.

The Code is a lengthy set of instructions for the maintenance of Rixian civilization. Combining both guidance on the operation of technological devices with recommendations on achieving spiritual enlightenment, it is the central document of Rixian culture. Rix himself considered the spiritual advice to be of greatest significance, as it offered the only hope of Ascension. Nevertheless, he also realized that Rixian civilization could not survive without Rixians who knew how to keep their impressive technologies operating as they should.

Rix's own adherence to the Code made him a popular and revered figure, a kind of living saint among the Rixians. Indeed, the aliens took to addressing him as the “paradigm of our race.” This is how he acquired the appellation “Rix,” which displaced his actual genetic name. He acquired a seat on the Conclave ? the Rixian council of leadership ? and, in time, became the Rixian's supreme leader. Yet all of this meant little to him. Instead, Rix is obsessed with achieving not only personal Ascension, but Ascension for all Rixians. It is this concern for his people that has so endeared him to them.

As the Rixians explored the Aleph system of the galaxy, they encountered several other intelligent species. Some of them welcomed the Rixians and their religion, while others opposed them. Rix calmly enjoined his fellows to work hard to convert those who did not immediately see the truth of Ascension. When these efforts were rebuffed, often with violence, the Conclave acted to create the maratusayi ? literally, the “cleansing fleet.” For millennia, the Rixians had little need for warfare to “cleanse” lesser species; the bulk of their early conversion efforts were directed at primitive species that revered the Rixians, with their superior technology, as gods.

Rix never approved of the cleansing fleet or its actions. Yet, he reluctantly accepted that not all species were capable of the Ascension he preached. Indeed, he eventually accepted that some species were, in fact, a hindrance to that very goal. For the good of all, they had to be destroyed. Over time, more and more species were added to the latter category and the cleansing fleet grew more powerful among the Rixians. Issa Rix never intended this to happen, but events had conspired against his original plans.

The discovery of the humans startled Rix, reminding him of his long-forgotten goal of offering Ascension to all species. The leaders of the cleansing fleet and many members of the Conclave see humanity as yet another dangerously primitive culture. They wish to wipe them out without argument. Rix, however, is not so sure. His observations of the humans suggest to him that they might be capable of greater things - perhaps even Ascension.

Physical Appearance

Issa Rix looks markedly different from the other members of his species. His skin is of a much lighter, almost whitish color. His large eyes are a dark grey hue, highlighted with flecks of gold. His head is slightly larger than normal and he stands proudly erect without the stoop characteristic of his kind. He's even a few centimeters taller than the average Rixian.

Other Rixians stand in awe of their leader. Both his physical appearance and his mannerisms set him apart. Yet, when speaking, Rix is calm and unpretentious. Those who engage him in conversation find him pleasant and attentive. He listens patiently to anyone who approaches him and gives their words careful consideration. Indeed, he almost radiates acceptance. Despite his position within the Rixian civilization, he never fails to remember his duty to it. Rix prefers to act after great deliberation, sifting through all the information available to him. This trait can be both reassuring and maddening at the same time.

Rix has adopted the simple clothing associated with an ascetic seeking Ascension. His dark robe is girded with a belt. This attire sets him apart from the bulk of his people, few of whom dress in this archaic fashion. Yet, this unusual style enables Rix to show his dedication to the ideals he espouses. For him, the Code and Ascension are not merely abstract concepts; they are tangible goals. Rix has devoted his entire life to them and he believes that the time of not only his own Ascension, but that of the remainder of his people may be at hand.



Kischuk Lecef has led a very unusual life for a Rixian. Unlike most of his species, Lecef has never seen much value in exploration or scientific endeavors. He grew up knowing that his genetic structure was somehow “inferior,” thereby preventing him (and the rest of his family) from the Ascension the Rixians sought for their entire race. Rather than rail against it or seek solace in the possibility of the future achievement of it, Lecef is content to accept his lot in life. Instead, he has devoted herself fully to the present-day concerns of the Rixians.

Because of his nature, Lecef found he was most interested in the weapons technology of his evolved brethren. The old Rixians had never been a violent race. They preferred to gather information about their enemies and find weakness that could be exploited without recourse to warfare. Nevertheless, the Ascended Ones had created destructive weapons of immense power, logically concluding that victory was more likely in any engagement if you carried superior firepower. Lecef eventually came to believe that the old Rixians had anticipated the establishment of the cleansing fleet. Initially, though, Lecef's interest was of a purely morbid sort. The other Rixians had no interest in such matters and, in fact, believed such interest to be perverse. Rather than dissuading him, this viewpoint only encouraged him to push harder to learn the secrets of his ancestors.

Lecef's knowledge of Rixian technology made him invaluable to the cleansing fleet. In recognition of his efforts, the Conclave selected him to become part of the Rixian exploration fleet that traveled to systems through the Aleph network. At first, Lecef refused this honor, arguing that he had no interest in traveling beyond the home system. More importantly, he did not view the Alephs as the “gateway to Ascension” that most Rixians did. He suggested that the position could better be filled by someone else.

The Conclave realized that Lecef would not be easily swayed. In addition, they knew that his talents would prove vital to the fleet's success. Thus, they offered him command of a ship of the fleet in return for his services. Lecef found this offer much more compelling. He agreed to the offer on the condition that he be allowed to equip his ship with some of the old Rixian supertech, something almost unheard of. The Conclave agreed with some reservations.

Lecef proved to be far from a good commander. Those who served under him disliked him, because he was quick to anger. Yet, Lecef was an excellent organizer and had an adaptable mind. However much his underlings disliked him, none could deny his abilities. He simply lacked the interpersonal skills that the Rixians had come to see as essential to the role of mission commander. Given that a significant portion of their duties involved first contact situations, Lecef's deficiencies were feared to prove devastating to the fleets' efforts.

Which is exactly what happened. While exploring an unknown link in the Aleph network, Lecef made contact with a new species, the Saalvshok. The Saalvshok were less advanced than the Rixians and easily insulted. When Lecef failed to address these beings with the respect they deemed proper, they attacked Lecef's ship. He ordered return fire and destroyed the attackers. Against the counsel of his crew, Lecef then attacked and disabled every other Saalvshok ship and space installations he could find.

Lecef reported that the Saalvshok were a danger to the Rixians and should be quarantined to avoid posing a greater threat later. The Conclave did not act on his warning at first, sending another ship to negotiate with the Saalvshok. When this effort failed as well, resulting in the deaths of several Rixians, the Conclave agreed with Lecef's recommendations. Flushed with that victory, Lecef then argued that the Rixians needed to create a standing fleet to “cleanse the galaxy” of those who posed a danger to the goal of Ascension. While few believed with Lecef's fervor, none doubted that he might be correct. There were races and cultures in the galaxy that posed a danger to Rixian goals. Thus, the first cleansing fleet was born.

Since that time, Lecef has commanded the cleansing fleet and counseled the Conclave on the dangers of non-Rixian cultures. Even when they disagree with him (as they often do), the members of the Conclave rarely dismiss his concerns out of hand. Even Issa Rix listens carefully to Lecef's advice.

Physical Appearance

Kischuk Lecef is, physically, a typical Rixian: short, slight, pale-skinned, hairless. Unlike Issa Rix, Lecef is gruff and short-tempered, given to wild outbursts when things do not turn out as anticipated. His seemingly total lack of empathy with other Rixians (never mind other species) is tempered only by his fervent devotion to the Code.

Lecef possesses none of the qualities one would hope to find in a leader, especially in a military leader. Despite this, his organizational abilities and discipline make him the best person to head the Rixian cleansing fleet. Similarly, his inability to find common ground makes him a fierce and uncompromising opponent. Once Issa Rix has given the word, Lecef will follow it to the letter. He will not deviate from a prescribed course of action unless explicitly commanded to do so by Rix or the Conclave. Lecef's underlings thus fear him rather than respect him. The difference is, naturally, lost on him.

Lecef dresses in the standard uniform of the cleansing fleet, a form-fitting gray jumpsuit. He rarely carries a sidearm or any other accessory on his person. Lecef prefers to employ bodyguards and assistants to deal with such matters.



Susni Tyono always wanted to be a scientist. His family included several notable researchers, some of whom Ascended. From his youngest years, his family and friends had assumed that he would follow in their footsteps - becoming a scientist and one day joining the Ascended Ones. Tyono was grateful for their well wishes, but doubted the veracity of what they said. Becoming a scientist was one thing; Ascention was quite another. Given the complexity of the Ascended Ones' technology, becoming a scientist was hard enough. By comparison, Ascension seemed well nigh impossible.

As he studied the Code, Tyono learned a great deal about the Ascended Ones and their history. Most Rixians never gave much thought to how their civilization had arrived at its present state of development. They rarely considered that the Ascended Ones had once been just like them, that their evolution had grown out of their technological and scientific research. For the average Rixian, Ascension is a purely spiritual matter. It is a question of discipline and dedication to the principles of mental clarity and purity. Consequently, science is a stagnant field among them and, despite their natural scientific acumen, Rixian scientists are a rarity. Those who call themselves such a thing are, in fact, experts on the technological instructions of the Code, not original thinkers.

Tyono was different, however. He knew the Code as well as any other Rixian “scientist.” Unlike them, however, he had extrapolated from it to develop original theories. In particular, he had begun to see Ascension as a purely material phenomenon, not something spiritual. Naturally, her colleagues, many of whom considered him seriously mistaken (and occasionally blasphemous), rejected his work. Tyono refused to give into their blandishments and continued his research into the methods and practices of the Ascended Ones, hoping to find a clue as to how they achieved their elevated state.

In time, Tyono believed he had found such a clue. Working with a few of the surviving ancient records, he concluded that ascension is a purely physical process whereby a properly prepared Rixian body may evolve beyond a corporeal form. Along the way, the evolved Rixian acquires a number of abilities deriving from its ultimate state - telepathy, hyper-intelligence, and so on. Tyono believed that only two things kept the remaining Rixians from ascending. The first was the proper trigger. The Rixians had known for thousands of years that the Alephs were somehow connected to Ascension (hence the Rixian's strong cultural imperative to explore the galaxy). Tyono surmised that, even now, a properly disposed Rixian could Ascend by passing through an Aleph.

Naturally, Tyono considers contact with the BIOS to be a major event. He has petitioned the Conclave to open a serious dialogue with them, hoping they might have the skills needed to prove his theories correct - or to disprove them. Thus far, his petition has been greeted with the same skepticism as his other theories. The Conclave has not rejected his entreaties out of hand, but neither are they moving ahead as quickly as he would like. Kischuk Lecef is one of his biggest obstacles, as Lecef does not trust the BIOS and sees their advanced genetic engineering abilities as a potential threat to the Rixians. Similarly, Issa Rix questions the value of pursuing such a blatantly non-spiritual solution to the problem of Ascension.

Currently, Tyono uses what little influence he has to push his Ascension research program forward, with little success. He remains convinced of the correctness of his position, however. Secretly, Tyono hopes the Conclave will allow an alliance with the BIOS, but, should the Conclave reject his plans, he may well decide to take matters into her own hands.

Physical Appearance

Physically, Susni Tyono is an unremarkable Rixian; he is of average height and build and possesses the gray skin and large silvery eyes that are typical of his kind. He dresses in the attire of a scientist, a loose and unadorned robe. Tyono is rarely without a hand computer or other research tool at hand. In fact, it is very common to see Tyono struggling with several devices at once. His research is his life; he doesn't spend much time doing anything else. Consequently, he is always at work on something related to his mission, no matter where he might be at the time.

His single-mindedness can sometimes make Tyono appear absent-minded or confused. In point of fact, he is rarely confused. Rather, his highly developed brain operates at a level far beyond that of most present-day Rixians. He is always thinking ahead, anticipating the next point of discussion in a train of thought. This contributes to outsiders' sense that Tyono isn't always paying attention to what they are saying. In many cases, he isn't - to the anger of those who speak with him.

Some of his colleagues (and Issa Rix himself) believe that he may possess one of the most evolved brains of the species. Tyono will hear none of this, believing that such talk will only distract from the important work he is undertaking. Tyono is thus exceptionally modest about his abilities. He takes pride in what he does, but does not wish to receive accolades for it. For Tyono, the ultimate success of the Rixian project will be reward enough.



Dolbec Gri wasn't always a firm adherent to the Code. For much of his youth, he rejected it, (as is popular among “younger” Rixians). The Code's precepts and admonitions seemed too far removed from his daily existence to be of much interest. Furthermore, what purpose did it serve? What did it mean to him? Even non-Ascended Rixians live many centuries and have bodies stronger and more intellectually acute than most other races in the galaxy. To suggest that somehow one could achieve an even more exalted state by denying many of life's pleasures and living according to rigid guidelines was, to him, ludicrous.

Gri spent his early years traveling extensively, seeing as many worlds beyond Lapi as he could. He interacted with a dozen species and learned their ways. Gri did whatever he could to remove himself from the mainstream of Rixian society and its emphasis on the goal of Ascension.

Eventually, Gri decided to present himself as a candidate for the exploration fleet. He knew that the requirements were great and that his early rebelliousness might be an impediment. Even so, he also knew that his experiences made him an excellent candidate - and he was correct. The exploration fleet readily accepted him. Gri was assigned to a vessel with a commander well known for his ability to handle “special cases” - unconventional thinkers - like himself.

Gri spent many years in the fleet and participated in many diplomatic missions. He also saw first contact for himself. He came to believe that the Rixians did not have adequate procedures in place to deal with species whose perspective might differ greatly from their own. Now that the cleansing fleet was an established part of Conclave policy, Gri feared that it might be used far too often. He worried openly that the Rixians were ill prepared for many of the possibilities that awaited them elsewhere in the galaxy. If his youthful travels had taught him anything, it was the value of being prepared for anything.

With the assistance of his commander, Gri proposed the establishment of a training academy for diplomats. His arguments swayed the Conclave, who greeted his proposal with great relish (despite the opposition of the now-powerful cleansing fleet). The Conclave asked that Gri consider instructing the first generation of these new diplomats, but he declined. He argued that he could do more good for Rixian civilization by being in the field, participating in diplomatic assignments. The Conclave disagreed, as did his commander. Together, they convinced him to change his mind.

Gri did not like teaching, but his students learned much from him. They saw in him a new opportunity for the Rixians beyond those available in the past. In the end, they even began to revere him as opening a path for other races to share in ascension. At first, Gri dismissed these notions. On reflection, though, he realized they were correct. In a single moment, Gri came to believe in the value of ascension. He saw it as a goal not just for the Rixians, but for all races in the galaxy. It was a means to unite intelligent life everywhere. Perhaps the failure of all Rixians to ascend was not an accident, but part of a grand design in which the Rixians would shepherd many species to a higher plane.

Gri changed almost overnight. What he had once rejected, he now embraced with a fervor unlike any other. This brought him to the attention of the Conclave and Issa Rix, who congratulated him on his new faith. Rix offered to instruct Gri in the meaning of the Code, but Gri respectfully declined. He had followed his own path his entire life; that would not change now. Gri adopted an ascetic lifestyle and spent much of his time meditating on the ascension and how his own work might help in its achievement.

Of late, Gri has become obsessed with humanity. The Conclave has asked that he serve as the Rixian liaison to this new species. They believe that only a diplomat of his skill (and devotion to the Code) will be successful. Gri understands all too well that failure on his part could result in the appearance of the cleansing fleet. He will do almost anything to ensure that that does not occur. Consequently, Gri has begun to consider a number of new approaches to dealing with the humans that he hopes will be to their mutual advantage.

Physical Appearance

Dolbec Gri is tall for a Rixian. He stands nearly as tall as the average human; he towers above his fellows Rixians. His skin is considerably more pale than average, nearly translucent. He dresses in robes very similar to those of Rix, but cut in such a way as to allow him more freedom of movement. Gri may be an ascetic in his interpretation of the Code, but he nevertheless sees the necessity of action as well. His mission on behalf of the Rixians demands it and he wants to be up to the challenge.

Even more so than his height (which is remarkable), one cannot help but be impressed by Gri's personality. Unlike many Rixians, Gri has a forceful aura. He possesses a magnetism and charisma that is hard to explain; his presence is electric, invigorating. Gri has an intuitive grasp of what it is that impresses humans and he uses it to great effect. He is not a shrinking violet and won't hesitate to speak his mind.

Other Rixians find Gri unnerving. His towering height, his outgoing manner and his affinity for other, “lesser” species makes him something of an alien among his own kind. This suits Gri well, as he prefers to spend his time among the species to which he has been assigned; currently, humanity.

The Allegiance
Timeline: 2000 → 2150
Factions: Iron Coalition · GigaCorp · BIOS · Belters · Rixian
DataNet: About