Registry keys

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Warning! The following article is about values of the Windows Registry.

Changing values my be destructive and needs to be carried out with great care.

This is a list of registry keys, which are used by Allegiance/AllSrv/Lobby.


general settings

32 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance

64 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance
Keyname Type Description Example Notice
Artwork string Full path of artwork directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\artwork
CDPath string Full path of CD drive, used by intro video and in-game music D:\
LogChat dword Enables log of in-game chat to logs directory of Allegiance 1hex
OutputDebugString dword 1hex
LogToFile dword Enabled debugging 1hex
HasTrained dword Disables popup of doing training sessions before playing online 1hex
CfgFile string URL or Path of cfg file
MoveInProgress dword Used by autoupdate process, if Allegiance.exe needs to be replaced 1hex Do not change
CDKey string Was used by original copy protection No longer used
PID string ProductID Not used?
CharacterName string Used for ZoneAuth callsign No longer used
LobbyPort dword Configures port to connect to lobby 941hex Out-commented in source code
Bandwidth dword
CensorChats dword Enables chat censorship 1hex
RoundRadarScreen dword
PreferChaseView dword
FilterLobbyChats dword Disables chats which send from lobby 1hex
FilterChatsToAll dword Disables chats which send to all 1hex
FilterQuickComms dword Disables all quickchats 1hex
FilterUnkownChats dword unkown chat no longer shown 1hex
ChatHistory dword
CenterHUD dword
TargetHUD dword
SoftwareHUD dword
RadarLOD dword
ShowGrid dword

video settings

32 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance

64 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance
Keyname Type Description Example Notice
CombatFullScreenXSize dword Width of screen in 3D fullscreen mode 320hex
CombatFullScreenYSize dword Hight of screen in 3D fullscreen mode 258hex
CombatXSize dword Width of screen in 3D windowed mode 320hex
CombatYSize dword Hight of screen in 3D windowed mode 258hex
UseAntialiasing dword No longer used?
UseAutoMipMaps dword No longer used?
UseTexturePack dword No longer used?
UseVSync dword No longer used?
MaxTextureSize dword No longer used?
UseAnisotropic dword Out-commented in source code
AAQuality dword Out-commented in source code
LogFrameData dword 0hex
LogFrameDataPath string
Environment dword Enables environments 1hex
Posters dword Enables posters 1hex
Debris dword Enables debris effect 1hex
Stars dword Enables stars 1hex
Strobes dword Enables strobes 1hex
Trails dword Enables ship trails 1hex
Bounds dword Enables bounds 1hex
TransparentObjects dword Enables transparent objects 1hex
Lens Flare dword 1hex
BidirectionalLightning dword 1hex
Gamma string 1.13
Allow3DAcceleration dword Enables 3D hardware acceleration 1hex Otherwise Allegiance will use software 3D acceleration
AllowSecondary dword Enables Secondary (3dfx?) hardware acceleration 0hex
PrivateAfterburners dword Enables alternate afterburner effect 1hex Out-commented in source code

3D settings

32 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\3DSettings

64 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\3DSettings
Keyname Type Description Example Notice
AAIndex dword Antialising 0hex
AAName string Antilasing No antialiasing
AutoGenMipmaps dword 0hex
DeviceIndex dword 0hex
DeviceIndex string Graphic card generic VGA card
MagFilter dword 2hex
MaxTextureSize dword 1hex
MinFilter dword 3hex
MipFilter dword 2hex
ModeIndex dword 1hex
ModeName string Screen resolution 800 x 600 @ 60Ht [16 bit]
UseTexturePackFile dword Enables TextruePack file 0hex
WaitForVSync dword Enables VirtualSync 0hex
Windowed dword Shows if Allegiance is launched in windowed mode 0hex

sound settings

32 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance

64 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance
Keyname Type Description Example Notice
MonoOff dword Disables sounds getting converted to Mono 1hex Fixes some sound issues
SFXGain dword Sound volume 5hex
MusicGain dword Music volume 30hex
VoiceGain dword Voicechat volume 10hex
UseDSound8 dword Enables DirectSound 8 suupport 1hex Otherwise Allegiance will use DirectSound 7

Fixes some sound issues

SoundQuality dword
SoundHardwareAcceleration dword Enables sound hardware acceleration 1hex Fixes some sound issues
Music dword Enables Music 1hex Plays sounds definded in musicdef.mdl

input settings

32 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance

64 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance
Keyname Type Description Example Notice
EnableVirtualJoystick dword
FlipY dword Flips y axis of joystick 0hex
EnableFeedback dword Enables ForceFeedback, if Joystick supports it 1hex
LinearControlResponse dword
DeadZone dword 1Ehex
VirtualJoystick dword


32 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\ASGS\2.0

64 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\ASGS\2.0
Keyname Type Description Example Notice
AbnormalExit string Checked of ASGS on launch, if true, ASGS crashed False Values: True; False
AllegWindowed string Launches Allegiance in windowed mode False Values: True; False
AutoMinimize string Minimizes ASGS after launching Allegiance False Values: True; False
Callsign string Active Callsign (on last login) callsign
ColorDepth string Launchs Allegiance with specific color depth default Values: 16bpp; 32bpp; default
FirstRun string Triggers notice about linking accounts True Values: True; False
Left string Position of ASGS window from left side 100
Top string Position of ASGS window from top 100
Logging string Type of log mode ASGS uses OFF Values: OFF; SIMPLE; DEBUG
MRUx string Recent callsigns callsign1 Replace x with number
Password string Password hash of active callsign
Port string Connection method ASGS uses to connect to server DirectPlay Values: DirectPlay; HTTP
UseProxy string False Values: True; False

No longer used?

Allegiance Server


32 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\Server

64 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\Server
Keyname Type Description Example Notice
Location string Field shown within lobby forlocation of server My home
CfgFile string URL or path of config file
ArtPath string Full path of artwork directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\Server\artwork Directoy for hitboxes (cvh-files), maps and cores (igc-files)
Gamex string Name of permanent game # (Zone Game) MyGame Replace x with gamenumber
Corex string core for perment game # static_core Replace x with gamenumber
LockOpenx dword Disables lock lobby option in game 1hex Replace x with gamenumber
MinRankx string Minimal rank to join game # -1 Replace x with gamenumber
MaxRankx string Max rank to join game # 6 Replace x with gamenumber
Passwordx string Password for game # test123 Replace x with gamenumber
Mapx string Map for game # map123 Replace x with gamenumber

Filename of map without .igc extension

Out-commented in source code

MaxGames dword Limits number of games which can run at same time 10hex There can be more ZoneGames than this number
MaxPlayersPerGame dword Limits number of players per game C8hex Overwritten by clientside newgamescreen.mdl
nUpdatesPerSecond dword Number of updates send to clients per secound 14hex
nDebugMask dword
MaxBandwidth dword
fWantInt3 dword
fProtocol dword
fDoublePrecision dword
fTimeout dword
SQLThreadsNotify dword
SQLThreadsSilent dword
AuthServer string URL of AuthServer Used for ZoneAuth

No longer used

LobbyServer string No longer used?
LocalAddress string


32 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\Server

64 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\Server
Keyname Type Description Example Notice
WindowPlacement dword Position of AllSrvUI window
PID string Product ID
SendChatMRU\ x string Log of sended chats test Replace x with #
SendChatMRU\ .Count dword Number of log-entries in registry 1hex


32 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\Lobby

64 bit systems:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\Lobby
Keyname Type Description Example Notice
ClientPort dword
Token string
fProtocol dword
fFreeLobby dword
fCheckCDKey dword Enables copyprotection
AutoUpdateActive dword 1hex
ASGS_ON dword Enables ASGS authdentication 1hex
SQLConfig string
FTPArtServer string URL of FTP server
FTPArtRoot string root directory on FTP server
FTPAccount string FTP account
FTPPW string FTP password
MaxPlayersPerServer dword