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Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:56 am
by sambasti
If you take a look at this forum, the first thing you notice is how old it is. Most topics haven't been posted in for 6+ months, and the project looks fairly dead. However, do not despair!

We are currently running on a small number of developers. Right now, because of the nature of how the project is working, nearly all communication is happening on IRC, with the exception of the occasional PM. This means that this forum is fairly dead, as we have moved out of the broad range of ideas area, and are now working on laying the ground work for the game.

The message of the post is this: If you want a clearer picture of how development is going, get on IRC! The only thing this forum is really good for (at this moment) is the occasional Yes-we-are-still-alive posts. :D

Ohh, btw, the IRC channel is #quantus. I hope to see you there.