My server won't load my core

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Post by Vlymoxyd »

Whenever I try to create a game with my "real" core, I get "the server has generated an exception" error and it won't load.

I've tried copying the core to the artwork directory of the server as well as my allegiance\artwork directory, but it didn't work either.
In the latest versions(Version 81), I deleted a bunch of ships(Thanks to the fact that I can now use my modular ship idea), but didn't do anything special.

When I've seen that it crashed the server, I just decided to go back to my latest backup(Version 80). The backup crash as well. Since I'm not sure I tested the latest backup, I decided to test the version 79. It crashed just like version 80. So I decided to test the version 39(Or whatever) which is from 2004... crash. So I decided to test the 1st version(from 2003) and this one crash too.

My 1st version uses no custom models, no custom sound... not even new ships AFAIK.

I'm wondering if anyone has any idea of what the problem could be.

Just to make it clear: If I didn't test version 79(Very unlikely), I tested version 78. And version 78 is based on 77 which is based on 76... So It's obvious that version 1 and 39 used to work. They just don't anymore.
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Post by Dark_Sponge »

Hmm, Did you use static_core as your starting point? I have all kinds of trouble with that one on my home-server.
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Post by Vlymoxyd »

Well, the starting point of my core is A+12(which was the most popular core a the time). This core is based on zone core but like every other ones.
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Post by TurkeyXIII »

You prolly missed something in 81, and still have something that points to a non-existant ship. The R4 AllSrvUI is strange in that it seems to hold a grudge against cores that have crashed it once before, and won't work for them again even if the problem is fixed.

Try this workaround:
-Reinstall the R3 server
-Unzip the R4 server files into a different folder
-Copy all the R4 files except AllSrvUI.exe
-Copy your artwork folder into the server's artwork folder

I'm able to run a lan off the existing AllSrvUI and connect a R4 client to it after doing this. It's worth noting that you don't have a 'allow empty teams' option, so you will have to run two clients with -multi in the command line in order to launch. Also you can't select the core, so you'll have to rename the core you want to play as static_core in both client and server artwork folders.

I haven't tested this extensively, so have no idea if it works all the time.

Also, try to avoid using the uninst.exe for the server. It does nasty things to the folder it's in.
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Post by Vlymoxyd »

Before I try your workaround, I'd like to say that other cores works fine(which is weird indeed), so I'd like to know if your idea could fix a problem that is just related to 1 core.

Also, I'd like my core to be compatible with the R4 server. My point: I don't want to find a workaround so that I can load my own server with my core but that no one else can make it.
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Post by KGJV »

hard to answer with no file to test.

It usually takes 10s to find a core bug with the server running in debug mode in Visual Studio (or VC++ Express).

If you can't do that , just send us a link to your core.
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Post by Vlymoxyd »

Well, I tried some debug tools back in the day, but I didn't really understand how they worked.

I'll post a link now(as soon as i remember my account name smile.gif ).

I'd also like to say that I started making my core with a very old ICE version(When missiles werer in 2 parts and that everything was 3x harder to do). I might have messed up something that is now conflicting with the R4 server. . This is the latest version, which never worked. for a pretty old version that I tested. Version 32-79 are all based on version 31 and I tested them all and they used to work. This is the 1st version. I'm not sure if it's the base of my of my currents cores, but it crash as well. for the artwork(Be carefull, There's a different soundef and missionbrief, you might not want to copy everything).
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Post by Andon »

Have you removed anything (items), or deleted it and re-created it?

If you have, then be sure that it's removed from the treasures list and that it's removed from all of the ships' default loadouts.
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Post by Vlymoxyd »

The only difference between version 80 and 81 is that I removed most of the ships of one of the faction(Not the lifepod though). Removing items would not explain why cores that were tested to work don't anymore.

I rechecked the default loadout, and there are no unknown.
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Post by Andon »

Make sure you've removed any ships that were overriding to the ships you removed. Kinda difficult to explain, but say you removed the ADv Fighter, and the enh fighter now is overriden by something that doesn't exist
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