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[✓]belts adv scout -- remove tac requirement
[✓]GT hvy bomber -- no longer needs GS reseach (was impossible)
[✓]hvy scouts -- make need starbase
[✓]nix gunship -- turret fix. three turrets
[✓]seek2 range up # not enough of a boost from seek1 currently
-- 1430 (was 1230)
[✓]dumb 2/3 range up # ditto, since the damage nerf.
-- 930, 1122, 1332 (was 930, 1078, 1260)
[✓]bump starting money back # early game didn't need to be slower
-- 16,000 (was 14,000)
[✓]change pod hull type to take more damage from rams
-- (1.5) (was 1)
-- AC15 now "pod hull", like lt armor in every other way
[✓]gauss range to 1450 (was 1160)
[✓]mustangs, guardians reseach costs reduced
-- 5000, 3750 (was 9375, 7500)
## cheaper GSish GT tech, for fairness. Guardians still trash
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"Sup and Exp endgame rebalance"
[✓] Aleph res 1/2/3 consolidated into single version, 2.5k range, 1k cost
[✓] Aleph res research moved to garrison (starbase)
[✓] HTTs can now mount aleph res
[✓] Nan 2/3 no longer reverse engineerable
-- Can mount it if you find it, but no giving it to your whole team
[✓] Nan 3 delay reduced to 0.2 (0.25)
-- Better, but uses more energy
[✓] All levels of nan have different sprites
-- Beware the red nan!
[✓] Fighter/Bombers can now mount XRM AB
[✓] HTTs and heavy bombers lose "relay lead indicator"
[✓] TT sig down to 100% (200%)
[✓] Teleport probe 1 now garr tech (starbase)
[✓] Teleport probe 1/2 research cost to 2500 (5000)
[✓] AmountHe3 -> 1400 (1300)
[✓] SRM Seismic, MRM Seismic damages doubled, research cost halved
-- SRM: 400 (200), MRM: 1000 (500), costs: 2500 (5000)
[✓] Ditto EW Seismic Cannon
[✓] Seismic drone damage to 20 (17.5)
-- Equals a SRM Seismic missile in damage now
[✓] Missile Track GAs boost by 20% (10%)
[✓] Station hull and shield GAs combined
[✓] LRM AB damage increased to 250 (200)
[✓] MRR lightning 1/2 to 100/120 damage, 0.75 reload (60/70 damage, 0.3 reload)
[✓] PT bomber MRR lightning capacity halved to 12 (24)
[✓] Core details
[✓] MRM Quickfire renamed SRM Quickfire. It's more accurate.
[✓] A bunch of descriptions fixed
-- QF, phoenix SY, tac base, vanguard
[✓] Retro boost added to default loadouts of scouts
-- Convenience, no gameplay effects