Wiki access

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Posts: 5418
Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2003 7:00 am
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Post by pkk »

Since I've updated Mediawiki a few years ago, the wiki no longer has access to the forum user DB. Also the email functionality isn't working correctly.

What does that mean:
Forum/Wiki user are now separate
If you have changed your password in the recent years, the wiki still uses the old onePassword reset via wiki doesn't work

If you have an issue with logging into the wiki, send me a PM, I'll reset the password manually or approve the user.

If I find some time, I have to fix this.
The Escapist (Justin Emerson) @ Dec 21 2010, 02:33 PM:
The history of open-source Allegiance is paved with the bodies of dead code branches, forum flame wars, and personal vendettas. But a community remains because people still love the game.
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