ICE Global

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This page is a reference article for all the items under the Global branch of the ICE tree.

Damage modifiers / Armour classes

Main article: Damage chart


This is a list of ICE Globals, and what each is used for. The original FAO thread can be found here. Note that the Globals have been grouped under similar headings purely for reference.

Universe settings


The Lens Multiplier is how much of a "Lens" shape sectors have. Any number below 1 means that the sector will have a "lens" type shape, with the Z axis (Up and down) being flattened. Any number above 1 means that the sector will have an "egg" type shape, with the Z axis being stretched. If this number is set to 1, then the sector will be a perfect sphere. To find out the shape of a sector in a core, open a modeling program, such as 3ds max or Milkshape, and create a sphere. Then scale the sphere in the Z axis by the Lens Multiplier (With the standard 0.2 LensMultipler being equal to 20%, etc). If you want a perfect scale model of the sector, then you set the radius of the sphere to the RaidusUniverse global (See below)

The Lens multiplier determines how far asteroids and alephs are generated from the Z plane (Or how much above or below the grid they are), in addition to influcencing the Sector Boundary (See Out Of Bounds, below)


The "Universe Radius" is how "wide" a sector is. It determines how far asteroids and alephs are generated in the XY plane (Or how far apart they are on the grid). Note that the grid is a fixed size, and does not scale with this global - Whether the RadiusUniverse is 5000 meters (like in the Community Core), 7500 meters, or even 10 meters, the RadiusUniverse will still be the same.


Out Of Bounds, in conjunction with the RadiusUniverse and LensMultiplier globals, determines how far a ship can be from the centerpoint before the "Sector Boundary Exceeded, Turn Around!" sound is played. This is equal to the square root of the Out Of Bounds value multipled by the RadiusUniverse for the XY plane, and it changes for the Z axis depending on the Lens Multiplier. This is the formula used in the code:

ShipR2 = (ShipPositionX * ShipPositionX)  + (ShipPositionY * ShipPositionY) +  (ShipPositionZ * ShipPositionZ /  (LensMultiplier * LensMultiplier))
   OOB = OutOfBounds * RadiusUniverse * RadiusUniverse

if (ShipR2 > OOB) then "Sector Boundary Exceeded, Turn Around" occurs and damage over time is applied.

This global is how much speed is added to the ship's current speed upon exiting an aleph. However, if a ship's speed goes above 999, then the game, and possibly the server, will crash.


Exit Station Speed is the speed initially given to a craft after launch. This can be higher than a ship's "top" speed, which while it may sound appealing, can be disastrous to ships that do not accelerate or decelerate quickly, such as capital ships.


Warp Bomb Delay is how long it takes for a warp bomb, or an Aleph Resonator, to detonate after entering the aleph.

Ships & stations


The DownedShield determines several things: What fraction of the shields can remain and have a Troop Transport capable of landing, when the hitbox for the ship is used and not the ellipsoid shield hitbox, and the fraction for when the shield does not absorb any more damage. What this means is that if the DownedShield is set to 0.1, like in the Community Core, a base can be captured if it has 10% or less shields, shots have to actually hit a ship with 10% or less shields to cause damage, and shots damage a ship's hull in addition to the shield when they are at 10% or less shields. Station hulls will only be damaged when the shield is at 0% regardless of DownedShield.


MountRate effects how fast a ship mounts equipment and reloads fuel and ammo. This is a number of seconds equal to 1/MountRate - So the standard MountRate of 0.2 has the ship mount equipment in 5 seconds.

Note This is seperate from 'arming time', which is defined in the equipment's entry.

RipcordTime is an archaic and outdated relic for how fast ships could ripcord. It is no longer used.


Lifepod Endureance is the amount of time (in seconds) that a life pod has before it runs out of oxygen and the player "dies" and is returned to base



This Global is fairly obvious in purpose - It is the number, in seconds, between paydays.


Simply put, this is the number of units of He3 a Miner can carry, before faction modifiers.


ValueHe3 is how many credits a single unit of He3 is worth, before faction modifiers.


AmountHe3 is the number of units found in a standard He3 asteroid. This is multiplied by the "Total Money" game setting for the "final" result


StartingMoney is the basic number of credits the commander starts out with at the beginning of a game. This is before things such as the "Starting Money" game setting and faction modifiers


Under the "Economy" game type, this is the number of credits the team needs to invest in order to win


He3Regen is how fast He3 regenerates on an He3 asteroid. This is not a constant number (regen relate is proportional to how much he is on the rock, with "empty" rocks regenerating faster). The exact formula hasn't been dug out of the code and stuck on this wiki yet.


Income is how many credits are given to each faction at each payday. There may, however, be "missing credits" sometimes, as the money is first divided up amongst the players and then given from the players back to the investor. Since the game rounds the amount of credits at each step, sometimes the number of players will cause credit losses due to rounding errors.



Points encompasses 13 separate Globals. When a player does something, they are assigned a number of points correlating to what they did. The names are fairly descriptive - PointsWarp is for when a player discovers an aleph, PointsPlayer is for when a player kills another player, PointsArtifacts is for when a player brings back an artifact, etc.


Relic of AZ


Relic of AZ

Sector overload

Main article: Sector overload

Cost is how much each entry counts for Sector Overload.


Base Cluster Cost determines the point of Sector Overload. Once the total cost plus the Base Cluster Cost is equal to or greater than 0, Sector Overload is triggered, causing damage to all ships in the sector until the total is below 0.


Cluster Divisor is used in Sector Overload calculations.



Not much to say on this one. It's, well, not used.

IGC Core Editor
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Note this part of the wiki is still a WIP