Why did the game just end?

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A game will end either because the win conditions are met, one side chose to resign, or both teams agreed to a draw.


Any player can propose a Resign by typing #resign into the chatbox. Only one resign attempt can occur at a time.

  • Note that continous spamming of the resign feature may cause you to be booted from the team.

Once this occurs, a message is sent to all players on the team stating

<player> has proposed a resign. Press y to vote yes, n to vote no.

If the majority of the team votes yes then the game immediately goes to the games-stats screen and across the top will be displayed the message:

<team 1> won by outlasting all other sides.


Any player can propose a draw by typing #draw into the chatbox. Only one draw attempt can occur at a time.

  • Note that continous spamming of the draw feature may cause you to be booted from the team.

Once this occurs, a message is sent to all players on the team stating

<player> has proposed offering a draw. Press y to vote yes, n to vote no.

If the majority of the team votes yes then a message is sent to every other team in the game stating:

<Team 1> has offered a draw. Press y to vote yes, n to vote no.

If every team agrees (once again, requiring a majority vote) then the game immediately goes to the games-stats screen and across the top will be displayed the message:

The game was declared a draw.

Win Conditions

Note that any given game may use more than one type of win condition, in which case the first one to be acheived will cause the game to end. It is the Game Controller who decides on the win conditions before the game begins.


In Conquest games the objective is to destroy or capture the other team's tech bases. If this is acheived the games-stats screen will display:

<team 1> won by destroying <team 2>'s <tech base name>.
<team 1> won because <person> captured <tech base name>.


In Territorial games the objective is to contol a certain percentage of sectors by building bases in them. If this is acheived the games-stats screen will display:

<team 1> won by out-building their opponents.


In Prosperity games the objective is to amass a certain amount of credits. If this is acheived the games-stats screen will display:

<team 1> has proven the economic value of their outpost.

Artifact Run

In an Artifact Run game the objective is to find, collect, and bring back to base a certain number of artifacts. If this is acheived the games-stats screen will display:

<team 1> wins with the flag recovered by <person>


In a Flags game the objective is to take a certain number of flags from the enemys home base and bring them back to your own. If this is acheived the games-stats screen will display:


Required Kills

In a Required Kills game the objective is to kill the enemy team a certain number of times. If this is acheived the games-stats screen will display:

<Team 1> won by killing enough of their opponents


In a Countdown the game has a time limit, and when it runs out the winner will be whoever came closest to acheiving the victory conditions (defaults to Conquest if no other victory conditions are set).


If friendly fire is on and a team blows up its own last techbase the games-stats screen will display:

<Team 1> won by dominating their opponents

If limited Team Lives is on and one team runs out of lives the games-stats screen will display:
